(some reflections)
My work radiates outward from silence. Nature welcomes, asks for my silence, hence I have chosen to live in her midst. We must pass through inner and outer silence to find presence (our essence).
When a great artist walks on stage it is the space within which [s]he moves. Living with spaciousness softens the edges of this mad world. Those who have presence honor other’s space, human, plant, animal, mineral. To communicate with others we must first listen to our own bodies. The body reveals the mind and the soul and is the most direct route to them. It is through the body that the mind speaks. To hear the body we must calm the chatter, the noise of tension. Our bodies are sacred. As a performer, my body is my instrument. To do my work, to BE, I must keep it flexible and free.
“There is a way between voice and presence
where information flows.
In disciplined silence it opens.
With wandering talk it opens.
Stop the words now.
Open the window in the center of your chest,
And let the spirits fly in and out.”
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